Friday, 16 February 2018

I Shouted For Help.

I shouted for help. Never have I thought that no one ever received the signal. Some may have, but that's that. Help doesn't come running to you when you needed it the most. It's harder when people judge, bcs they don't see things through. How am I going to face this life, chin up, and braces through? It's so hard, it's so ironic, it's just so ironic.

I ran to a few people I trusted, I told them everything, but that's that. My story was either spread out to a wider audience, or left out. I felt devastated. In fact, I am. I'm tired of people pretending like they care, I'm tired of people I trusted, I'm tired of people who don't care. I'm just tired of everyone who pretended that they care, I'm tired of being used, I'm so tired of being a mere item.

And when I have trust issues, I don't have that many friends. Normally, people tend to avoid negativity, I am the negativity they chose to avoid, and there's nothing I can say about it. Because such is a normal irony. People only come to me if they need companions for that time being, or if they need something from me. How can you trust people after being treated like shit? Idk man. I don't know. I'm just so tired.

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