Saturday 16 July 2016


Hello, people.

Isn't it amazing that even though we posed quite some negative reactions to people we don't really like, and at some point in our life, we keep seeing their positivity beneath their negativity? I guess we're not meant to hate each other no matter how bad we feel about them, or how awful things they may have done to us. It's really important to know that we too, are like that. We keep focusing on our good side, and forgetting that we have our bad side too, and that we may have posed unconsciously towards other. Eventually, they'll be thinking about the same thing that we are now, and that just proved that we're all the same no matter what.

That's why we need to remind ourselves to forgive and forget. Everyone views life from different perspectives. However, life needs rule. Why? Because not every perspective are acceptable to the society. We may think that what we're doing are right, but at the same time it isn't to some people. Well, that comes down to give and take. Of course, acceptance is important, but we need to know that we have to accept certain things and deny some things at the right moment in our life. Tolerance and denial are brilliant when done in certain circumstances and that depends on how wise we are in managing life and relationships around us. 

We may feel betrayed when the loves of our life turn away from us, and we may get mad because of the negativity people impose on us. However, never get mad beyond rationale. Put on a second thought in that. We have to realise that some privileges or downfalls are not meant for us and life has its ups and downs. No matter how much we get angry on matters, it won't change without rationale thinking. Of course we have to think about others but at the same time we should never neglect ourselves.

What we do today will affect our paths tomorrow. The best thing to do is do the best in what we do and set goals. Having goals let us manage our life better, like having plans before making moves. It's much better when we commit seriously in what we do. It helps us focus and avoid negativity. Even when we fall down, we can always get back up and move forward. Life isn't easy as we thought, but we're evolving. We adapt to new circumstances. We get better. We do our best. Have faith in ourselves because we can and nobody else will. 

At some point, we'll realise that the mistakes we made before have brilliantly shape ourselves today. The best teacher is our experience. People vary. We're all different and in other words, we're unique.


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