Friday 19 April 2019

My Degree Life Will Be Over Soon

Well, as stated, my degree life will be over soon. Like, really fast. It's amazing how I wasn't interested to even get into a relationship. It's not like I wasn't interested at all, I may be just didn't have enough interest in it. A weak interest, one could say. LOL.

Anyway, tell you what? I have a crush. Well, I'm giving up on him already. I'll just finish my degree life without telling him, so yeah. Goodbye, romanticism in life. I'll just find a better purpose to live afterwards, like pursuing a master degree, and continue further for the doctoral. I know, right? My life sounds so dull, but the thing is, as dull as my life has always been, and as dull as myself while I'm writing this, I am just dull.

Giving up on my crush that easily? Yes, I thought a lot about it even before my brain decided to have a crush on him, that we're poles apart. He's just far better than myself. And I know I'm not the one for him. Remember this? "Good people are for good people." I'm just not good enough for him.

That's why it's a crush. Because it'll never happen. It is never meant to be.

And as my degree life ends, the crush will end as well. Like how crushes are supposed to be.